You may not need to run /osppsvcrestart on Win 8 and can skip to the next step if it complains that the. A Maple 17 license file (license.dat) will be saved in the license folder of your Maple 17 installation. For Windows® XP, Windows Server® 2008, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2012, and Windows® 8 single user installation, read this section. Maple 17 Installation Using a Single User License.
By default they will be: Path to the lmgrd.exe: C:\Program Files\Maple Network. A “Maple2017.lic” file is now created in the “activate” folder. A Maple 18 license file (license.dat) will be saved in the license folder of your Maple 18 installation. Note: If you have MATLAB® 2012b, 2013a, or 2013b installed and would like to install a toolbox that connects Maple with MATLAB®, see Maple Toolbox Installation. Maple 18 Installation Using a Single User License.